Monday, May 10, 2010

Nashville, TN: Part 2

Sitting outside in a hostel in Nashville was never going to be boring. The hostel provided us with a guitar to jam with on the deck and as the staff fired up the BBQ for their evening meal, the quiet hostel was a pleasant environment for kicking back and playing guitar. What we found, however, that everyone who works at the hostel came to Nashville for one reason and one reason only - to get a break in the country music scene, and 'Clinton' (the only name we caught) asked for the guitar a struck up a few of his own tunes. It was actually really good, but the lyrics were the kind that can only be non-laughter-inducing here in the South.

Sat to the right of Clinton is 'Mike' who then provided us with yet another example of good ol' Southern hospitality when we were invited to sit down with them for a steak the size of a dinner plate, baked potato, corn and lashings of sour cream. Sitting there with our knives and forks set us apart from the hands-on approach favoured by our hosts, but this was a great surprise, despite the Chinese buffet we'd had only three hours before.

After this is was time to hit the bars again, with our brief travel companion Dominick (a native of Frankfurt) who enjoyed the steak dinner with us and the staff. This was, however, Mothers' Day and in the South it would appear that such a holiday is taken very seriously - or maybe the Sabbath means that open bars are few and far between. Despite this, we headed to 'Rebar' in midtown, next door to last night's venue, and sat enjoying cold beers and the neon glow of the American bar scene.

As a humorous aside, for the South we thought these signs were an interesting combination!

Good night and good luck.

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